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Collecting Logs with Grafana Loki across Multiple Sites

In this tutorial, we will create a network topology using that enables communications across a public Kubernetes cluster, a private Kubernetes cluster, and a Ubuntu server in a private data center. We will deploy the Grafana Loki stack in Kubernetes private cluster, and Promtail to collect logs in the Ubuntu server and Kubernetes public cluster worker node. Then we will access the Grafana Dashboard to query the collected logs.

Here is the high-level overview of our setup architecture:


In our setup, we will be using the following components:

  • Grafana is an analytics and interactive visualization platform. For more info please visit the Grafana Documentation
  • Grafana Loki is a log aggregation system designed to store and query logs from all your applications and infrastructure. For more info please visit Grafana Loki Documentation.
  • Promtail is an agent that ships the contents of local logs to a Grafana Loki. For more info please visit Promtail Documentation
  • n2x-node is an open-source agent that runs on the machines you want to connect to your network topology. For more info please visit Documentation.

Before you begin

To follow along in this tutorial, you should meet the following requirements:

  • Access to at least two Kubernetes clusters, version v1.27.x or greater.
  • A account created and one subnet with prefix.
  • Installed n2xctl command-line tool, version v0.0.3or greater.
  • Installed kubectl command-line tool, version v1.27.x or greater.
  • Installed helm command-line tool, version v3.10.1 or greater.


Please note that this tutorial uses a Linux OS with an Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish) with amd64 architecture.

Step-by-step Guide

Step 1: Installing Grafana Loki stack in Kubernetes private cluster

Setting your context to Kubernetes Private cluster:

kubectl config use-context k8s-private

We are going to deploy a Grafana Loki in monolithic mode on a k8s-private cluster using the official Helm chart:

  1. Add Grafana’s chart repository to Helm:

    helm repo add grafana
  2. Update the chart repository:

    helm repo update
  3. Create the configuration file values.yaml with this information:

    deploymentMode: SingleBinary
      auth_enabled: false
        replication_factor: 1
        type: 'filesystem'
        - from: "2024-01-01"
          store: tsdb
            prefix: loki_index_
            period: 24h
          object_store: filesystem # we're storing on filesystem so there's no real persistence here.
          schema: v13
      replicas: 1
      replicas: 0
      replicas: 0
      replicas: 0
  4. Install the 6.10.0 version of Grafana Loki with the defined configuration:

    helm install --values values.yaml loki grafana/loki -n grafana-loki --create-namespace --version 6.10.0
  5. Once it is done, you can verify if all of the pods in the grafana-loki namespace are up and running:

    kubectl -n grafana-loki get pod
    NAME                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    loki-0                         1/1     Running   0          84s
    loki-canary-zbv9r              1/1     Running   0          84s
    loki-chunks-cache-0            2/2     Running   0          84s
    loki-gateway-666b9dfb7-lj5wd   1/1     Running   0          84s
    loki-results-cache-0           2/2     Running   0          84s

We'll deploy a Promtail DaemonSet to collect logs from our Kubernetes private cluster:

  1. We are going to use the official documentation to create a promtail-k8s-private-ds.yaml and execute the following command to replace the {YOUR_LOKI_ENDPOINT}:

    sed 's|https://{YOUR_LOKI_ENDPOINT}|http://loki-gateway.grafana-loki.svc.cluster.local|g' -i promtail-k8s-private-ds.yaml


    By default, DaemonSets won't be scheduled on the Kubernetes master node due to a taint. If you specifically want the DaemonSet to run on the master node, you can add the following toleration to the spec.template.spec section:

    - key:
    effect: NoSchedule
  2. After that, we can apply the changes with this command:

    kubectl apply -f promtail-k8s-private-ds.yaml
    3. And the Promtail pods should be up and running:

    kubectl get pod
    NAME                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    promtail-daemonset-2f87x   1/1     Running   0          19s
    promtail-daemonset-v9d2j   1/1     Running   0          20s

Once our logs are collected and stored in Grafana Loki, we'll need a way to analyze them. To achieve this, we'll deploy Grafana, a powerful visualization tool, on our private Kubernetes cluster using Helm:

  1. Install Grafana version 8.4.5 with default configuration in the grafana namespace:

    helm install grafana grafana/grafana -n grafana --create-namespace --version 8.4.5
    2. The Grafana pod should be up and running:

    kubectl -n grafana get pod

    NAME                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    grafana-6644c7b769-f6prd   1/1     Running   0          3m5s
    3. We can get the Grafana admin user password by running:

    kubectl get secret --namespace grafana grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode ; echo

All the deployments now are completed. It is time we set up our Grafana. We can port-forward the Grafana service and access the Grafana dashboard directly from http://localhost:8080/:

kubectl -n grafana port-forward svc/grafana 8080:80


You can login with admin user and password getting before.

Now, as a next step, we need to add Grafana Loki as a data source (Home > Connections > Data Sources > Add data source):

Add Loki DataSource

Configure Grafana Loki URL

For the Connection URL, enter the endpoint of the Grafana Loki gateway service: http://loki-gateway.grafana-loki.svc.cluster.local. Then, click Save & test.

Now we can query the data stored in Loki. Click the Explore button, select your desired query (e.g., k8s_app = kube-proxy), and then click Run query.

Explore Loki DataSource

Query Loki DataSource

Step 2: Connecting Grafana Loki to our network topology

Promtail agents must be able to reach the Grafana Loki Gateway to successfully send logs. So, we need connect to Grafana Loki Gateway to network topology.

To connect a new kubernetes service to the subnet, you can execute the following command:

n2xctl k8s svc connect

The command will typically prompt you to select the Tenant, Network, and Subnet from your available topology options. Then, you can choose the service you want to connect by selecting it with the space key and pressing enter. In this case, we will select grafana-loki: loki-gateway.


The first time that you connect a k8s svc to the subnet, you need to deploy a Kubernetes Gateway.

Loki Gateway Service Connected

Finding IP address assigned to the Grafana Loki Gateway Service:

  1. Access the WebUI and log in.

  2. In the left menu, click on the Network Topology section and choose the subnet associated with your Grafana Loki Gateway Service (e.g., subnet-10-254-0).

  3. Click on the IPAM section. Here, you'll see both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses assigned to the loki-gateway.grafana-loki.n2x.local endpoint. Identify the IP address you need for your specific use case.

    Check IP of Loki Gateway


    Remember the IP address assigned to loki-gateway.grafana-loki.n2x.local endpoint, we must be used it as client URL in Promtail configuration later.

Step 3: Installing Promtail binary in server01

The operating system of our server01 is Ubuntu 22.04 and we don't have any package available in the official Ubuntu repositories, so we are going a download the binary and configure the service.

We can get the Promtail binary from Grafana Releases and install it with the following commands:

cd /tmp
curl -O -L ""
# extract the binary
unzip ""
# move to binray folder
mv promtail-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/promtail
# make sure it is executable
chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/promtail

Now we will create the configuration file /etc/promtail-config.yaml with this information:

  http_listen_port: 9080
  grpc_listen_port: 0

  filename: /tmp/positions.yaml

  - url: 'http://{N2X_LOKI_GATEWAY_IP}/loki/api/v1/push'

  - job_name: system
      - targets:
          - localhost
          job: varlogs
          __path__: /var/log/*log


Replace {N2X_LOKI_GATEWAY_IP} with the IP address assigned to loki-gateway.grafana-loki.n2x.local endpoint. ( in this example)

We need to configure Promtail as a service so that we can keep it running in the background:

  1. Create a user specifically for the Promtail service:

    useradd --system promtail
    usermod -a -G adm promtail
    2. Create a service file /etc/systemd/system/promtail.service with this information:

    Description=Promtail service
    ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/promtail -config.file /etc/promtail-config.yaml
    3. Now start and check the service is running:

    systemctl start promtail.service
    systemctl status promtail.service
    4. Finally, we enable the Promtail service to start automatically after a reboot:

    systemctl enable promtail.service

We can verify that promtail is running properly and exposing metrics with the following command:

curl http://localhost:9080/metrics

Step 4: Connecting server01 to our network topology

Now we need to connect server01 to our network topology to allow the Promtail agent to push logs to loki-gateway.

Adding a new connected node in a subnet with is very easy. Here's how:

New Node

  1. Head over to the WebUI and navigate to the Network Topology section in the left panel.
  2. Click the Add Node button and ensure the new node is placed in the same subnet as the loki-gateway.
  3. Assign a name and description for the new node.
  4. Click Add New Connected Node to Subnet.

Here, we can select the environment where we are going to install the n2x-node agent. In this case, we are going to use Linux:

Node Setup

Run the script on server01 terminal and check if the service is running with the command:

systemctl status n2x-node

After this, we can check if the data are in successfully stored in Grafana Loki. From Grafana Dashboard click on Explore, select the job = varlogs query and select Run query:

Grafana Query

Step 5: Installing Promtail in Kubernetes public cluster worker node

Setting your context to Kubernetes Public cluster:

kubectl config use-context k8s-public

We'll deploy a Promtail DaemonSet to collect logs from our Kubernetes public cluster:

  1. We are going to use the official documentation to create a promtail-k8s-public-ds.yaml.


    Replace {YOUR_LOKI_ENDPOINT with the IP address assigned to the loki-gateway.grafana-loki.n2x.local endpoint (e.g., and change the protocol from HTTPS to HTTP.

  2. After that, we can apply the changes with this command:

    kubectl apply -f promtail-k8s-public-ds.yaml
    3. And the Promtail pods should be up and running:

    kubectl get pod
    NAME                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    promtail-daemonset-cln55   1/1     Running   0          27s

Step 6: Connecting Promtail daemonset to our network topology

Just like we did previously with the server01, we need to connect the Promtail to our network topology to allow push logs to loki-gateway.

To connect a new kubernetes workloads to the subnet, you can execute the following command:

n2xctl k8s workload connect

The command will typically prompt you to select the Tenant, Network, and Subnet from your available topology options. Then, you can choose the workloads you want to connect by selecting it with the space key and pressing enter. In this case, we will select default: promtail-daemonset.

Promtail Workload Connected

We can check the Promtail daemonset workload again:

kubectl get pod
NAME                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
promtail-daemonset-cln55   2/2     Running   0          21s

After this, we can check if the data are in successfully stored in Grafana Loki. From Grafana Dashboard click in Explore, select the job = default/promtail-daemonset-cln55 query and select Run query:

Promtail Grafana Query


In this guide, we've learned how can help us create a unified logging solution with Grafana Loki. This unified solution can help the operation teams of your organization to debug and troubleshoot faster in multi-cloud or multi-site environments. In summary, this centralized logging solution eliminates the challenges caused by data silos.

We recommend you read the article Observability Tools as Data Silos of Troubleshooting if this topic was interesting to you.